For once, I’m at a loss for themes. So, it’s simply a late skate. But, theme or no, it’s time to start planning on attending. There’s no theme needed to have a night out and hang with your friends, it’s summer anyway! Skate Ranch will be hosting their Late Skate on July 25th from 7:00pm-12:00am. Admission is $12 for five hours of fun! If you’d like to skate please feel free to bring your own, or rent inlines/quads for $3. Don’t forget to click on the Facebook tab above, sharing means caring and it’s always nice to share!
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Every Wednesday Skate Ranch & Skate-O-Rama take their prices Wayyy Back!! $1 Admission and $1 drinks, popcorn, hotdogs, and more! Have your own skates? Bring ’em! Or, rent quads or inlines for $3. Perfect night out for groups of all sizes, big or small, come one, come all!
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